Camp Gaulke

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So, I'm a Vampire...

Weirdly, I am often called a vampire at work...

Why?, it is not because I am obsessed with that book series now movie, Twilight...

no friends...that obsession is, however, confessed by one of Hunter's professors...creepy? Am I the only one that thinks vampires are creepy??

Ok no..I am called this because...I draw blood now!


Some of you are already passed out...right now..on the floor...

When you come to, maybe you should sit this post out.

Ok so..for some reason...people who take blood at my hospital are termed 'vampires'. For fun...just lightheartedly. I would never call anyone that! even if they were taking my blood...who just names someone a creepy thing like that.

I thought it might be a cool Halloween know call me a vampire..I'll call you Frankenstein...

Oh no...I am still being called a vampire by patients...which is just weird. right?

I am actually shocked by my lack of freak-out-ness concerning sticking people with a needle. I really enjoy is like a challenge each time I tie the little turnicate...palpate the vein...and BAM! stick the needle in...

Everytime I get it...I feel like the queen of blood is sort of the definition of a vampire..dangit.

Oh ya. I notice that at random social functions with my family and/or friends...I have the urge to check their veins and palpate them to see if they are good...thats probably weird. Most times...I just grab their arm...and without warning, slide their shirt out of the way and start pressing my finger right in the middle of their arm.

OOO YAY! I just thought about how awesome the holidays will be...all these new veins to look at!

Ok so in other news, we joined a church! This actually occured a few weeks ago...and after 5 million prayers towards this subject...we finally feel at peace. It's like we are home now. Like we actually live here...and aren't just visiting from College Station.

Our church family is incredible. Coming from Living Hope..we had some high expectations...and we are encouraged by their complete fulfillment.

Ok so yay finally a positive and happy post...

Welcome to Pleasantville...although I can't promise that all my cynicism is gutted out of day I pray it will be ;) ...